Archive for the 'Gaming Reports' Category

Trying out Axles and Alloys

Over the weekend myself and a number of friends got together to give Axles and Alloys II a try. The get together was  a little impromptu so I had to throw some terrain together the night before, basically just some polystyrene covered with sand and quickly spray painted red/brown.

For the game itself I modified the rules slightly so we could use a bunch of micro machine cars (about n scale/15mm). Although it doesn’t quite have the impact on the table it did make the game much easier to transport. For using the micro machine cars I used the tried and true method of converting inchs to cm and it seemed to work out well with the rules still holding together very well. The board we played on was only about 45cm x 75 cm ( 1.5 x 2.5 feet) and it did get a little crowded with 7 players, but this just meant more mayhem. I wrote up some quick vehicle cards and for each game we shuffled and dealt the cards out so no-one had the same car twice.

We played a total of two games with basic race to the finish goal. The first game resulted in all player vehicles being out of commission by the end of the 5th turn, except one. This was mostly caused by the figure 8 track design and a rather cramped first turn which resulted in much ramming, weapons fire and collisions with terrain as skids and drifts were misjudged, also a lack of anyone using the brake pedal didn’t help 🙂 :

The above photo was taken just after the second turn at this point the Orange and Green cars driver had been killed after a wicked burst of MG fire from the rear by the blue car. The blue car had been savagely rammed by both the yellow 4×4 and orange and green car in the 1st turn. As you can see even though it was our first game a mountain of mines and spikes had already been dropped.

Similar time as the above shot but you can see the field was fairly well spread out the purple dragster in the middle went on to win the game.

This was near the end of the game, the yellow 4×4 slide into the towering rock cluster after I misjudged drift. The two blue cars ended up ramming each other and then getting out of control and colliding with each other a second time. We were unsure if this meant another ram but we played it that way and it destroyed both cars, one due to driver death. You can just see the purple dragster in the background heading of to win the race.

Final positions of everyone at the end of game 1, the lime green car on the right edge had tried a massive drift circle and had been planning to try and cut off, then ram to death the purple dragster but came unstuck on some rocks. This left the purple dragster as the last car alive.

For the second game we changed the board layout so it was a simple Horseshoe track with 1 lap to win. This seemed to help with 4 cars still surviving when one crossed the finish line.

Cars lined up at the blue start finish line for race 2. Three cars are obscured by the terrain in the lower left of the shot.

Just after the 1st turn with a few cars having moved for their second, two cars used the ramp suffering a little damage but it was a heap of fun for the players and to watch.

This was at the top turn, once again the purple dragster was in the lead. Just after the purple dragster passed around the turn, there were 2 head on collisions which knocked out a couple of cars. The purple dragster itself was rammed head on to try and knock it out and slow it down but unfortunately it didn’t quite work and the purple dragster once again went on to win.

As part of the setup one piece of terrain had a hole in it and we designated the leading edge a ramp, so a car could fly up the ramp and jump out the hole. The purple dragster did this but due to the ramming damage incurred and then hitting the ramp to fast was almost destroyed on landing. The dragster crossed the line with 2 damage box’s remaining.

Much fun was had by all over the two games and the rules themselves are written very well, we only had a couple of minor spots were we weren’t quiet sure what the rules should work, but we simply worked something out. Due to the success of the game I plan on mounting the micro machines to bases permanently and giving them a quick coat of paint. As a group we are more likely to do pickup one off games and so to randomize the vehicles a little more we may put in place some form of random weapon assignment mechanism. The only other minor change we might make is to double the weapon damage we found ramming was much more deadly than weapons and want to encourage weapon use a little more.

If your looking for a fun car game, which doesn’t take itself to seriously give Axles and Alloys II a try, for the price (free) I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

Have Fun 🙂

Gaming Weekend

This is not exactly a project but it was a fun wargaming weekend and it is what a lot of my projects work towards. I also used a significant amount of time preparing for the weekend over the past 10 days.  As we had a long weekend I headed to a friends place for 2 days of wargamming slaughter (mostly me being slaughtered).

First up was Defiance vital ground, which is a skirmish based  sci-fi game which you can use any models for. So the lego clone army was broken out for this game although I had managed to lose my troop list and had to use the generic star marines list. We had an 4000pt army on each side so I got to field a TX-130 for the first time as well as a couple of AT-PT’s and of course some scout and regular clone troopers. I don’t have any scout helmets so the clone troopers with no helmets represent scouts.

After the glory and excitement of the setup I proceeded to get my butt handed to me  by the opposing UNE force.  I did have one very nice maneuver were I killed of about 8 of the UNE infantry with an AT-PT but after that it was all downhill. Some lucky shots by some UNE infantry took out my AT-PT’s. Normally in defiance destroying  vehicles with infantry weapons is very very difficult so to have both of them destroyed by infantry was pretty unlucky. The Tx-130 likewise got unlucky losing it’s 2 best weapons in the first point of damage it took. After that it was all downhill, a couple of pictures from deployment:

(Sorry about photo quality)

After the UNE troops had finished giving the clone army a pasting they moved on to issue an even more humiliating defeat to the Space thugs (Orks). Making the UNE army the undefeated army of the weekend. Lessons learnt from the above make sure your infantry have some kind of anti-vehicle weapons.

We also played a giant game of Songs of Blades and Hero’s. This was one giant game of 300pts a person and 6 factions we had Barbarians, Kobolds+Wyvern, Goblins 1, Goblins 2, Adult dragon + Rat wolverine’s and Lizardmen.  We actually made the table a little big with about 6footx6foot playing area. Most of the players were learning as they played and I forgot a few rules which made for some interesting situations.  The game was ended in the end by adding an impromptu goal as we had to get up early the next day to clean the location and drive back home.  The Adult dragon was virtually unstoppable although it had some issues actually delivering a killer blow, the rats with it had no such problems dishing a quiet a significant amount of death.

The first goblin warband  dealt a significant amount of death to the lizardmen before being caught between the Wyvern/Kobold and the remaining lizardmen and being almost wiped out. Goblin2 band kept the dragon and rats busy although ii cost quiet a number of goblin warriors to do so. The barbarians quit the field early on due to problems with their general (player had to go home). Due to the size of the board and some very unlucky rolling the poor kobolds spent the whole time trying to move into combat range. Fun was had by all even with the rules mistakes and board size issues. A few pictures:

Goblin Warband 2 facing the Dragon

Goblin Warband1 facing the Lizardmen (Wyvern moving in, in background)

Dishing out and receiving some pain

Wyvern on oneside, Lizardmen on the other…time to run

It was great weekend and hopefully I’ll be able to do another one soon by then I hope to re-write my clone army list for defiance, My Onemonk marines will be done and I’ll have my WWG hinterland layout ready to go as well as some more SOBH warbands + all my frog/bear/turtle warbands.

I better get back onto those Pirate bears now 🙂

Project Status

WWII Project First Release


B-tech Buildings Five


Design Victorian era City


Something Different


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